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Ruling Planets of 12 Zodiac Signs as per Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology is an ancient system of knowledge that studies the influence of the celestial bodies on human life. According to Vedic Astrology, there are 12 zodiac signs, each corresponding to a segment of the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun across the sky. Each zodiac sign is also associated with a ruling planet, which is the celestial body that has the most impact on the characteristics, traits, and destiny of the natives of that sign.

The ruling planet of a zodiac sign is also known as the “Lord” or the “Karak” planet. It represents the core essence, the motivation, and the purpose of the sign. It also determines the areas of life that are most important, challenging, or rewarding for the sign. The ruling planet of a zodiac sign can be identified by looking at the position of the Sun in the zodiac at the time of birth. For example, if the Sun is in Aries, then the ruling planet of Aries is Mars.

There are nine planets or Navagrahas in Vedic Astrology, but only seven of them are considered to be the traditional rulers of the 12 zodiac signs. These are the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. The other two planets, Rahu and Ketu, are the north and south nodes of the Moon, respectively. They are not actual masses, but astronomical points that indicate the intersection of the orbits of the Sun and the Moon. Rahu and Ketu do not rule any zodiac sign, but they have a significant influence on the life events and the karmic lessons of the natives.

In this article, we will explore the ruling planets of the 12 zodiac signs as per Vedic Astrology and learn about their meanings, characteristics, and effects.

Aries – Mesh Rashi (March 21 – April 19):

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, representing the beginning of a new cycle. Aries is a cardinal fire sign, meaning that it is dynamic, energetic, and passionate. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, courage, and initiative. Mars gives Aries the qualities of leadership, assertiveness, and ambition. Aries natives are brave, adventurous, and enthusiastic. They like to take risks, challenge themselves, and overcome obstacles. They are also impulsive, competitive, and aggressive. They can be impatient, restless, and prone to anger. Aries natives are motivated by their desire to achieve their goals, express their individuality, and prove themselves. 

The ruling deity of Mars is known as Bhumiputra or Bhaum. It is also known as Mangal in Hindi. Jyotish and Purans mention Mars very often as it is the ruler of anger, wars and courage. She symbolizes the physical strength, endurance, and stability of Mars. She also represents the fertility, abundance, and nourishment of the earth. Aries natives can benefit from worshipping Bhumi and offering her red flowers, grains, and fruits. The day of the week associated with Mars is Tuesday. The color of Mars is red. The gemstone of Mars is coral or ruby. The symbol of Aries is the ram.

Taurus – Vrishabh Rashi (April 20 – May 20): Venus

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, representing the consolidation of the initial impulse. Taurus is a fixed earth sign, meaning that it is stable, practical, and loyal. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony.It bestows Taureans with a love for luxury, a strong aesthetic sense, and a grounded nature. Venus gives Taurus the qualities of sensuality, aesthetics, and material comforts. Taurus natives are calm, patient, and reliable. They like to enjoy the pleasures of life, such as food, music, art, and nature. They are also hard-working, diligent, and persistent. They can be stubborn, possessive, and resistant to change. Taurus natives are motivated by their desire to secure their resources, maintain their values, and satisfy their senses.

The ruling deity of Venus is Shukra, the Guru of the Asuras. He symbolizes the wisdom, grace, and charm of Venus. He also represents the power of attraction, influence, and diplomacy. Taurus natives can benefit from worshipping Shukra and offering him white flowers, rice, and sugar. The day of the week associated with Venus is Friday. The color of Venus is white. The gemstone of Venus is diamond or emerald. The symbol of Taurus is the bull.

Gemini – Mithun Rashi (May 21 – June 20): Mercury

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, representing the communication of the established reality. Gemini is a mutable air sign, meaning that it is adaptable, curious, and versatile. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and adaptability. Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, governs Gemini. Mercury gives Gemini the qualities of learning, expression, and mental agility. It blesses Geminis with quick thinking, adaptability, and excellent communication skills. Gemini natives are witty, clever, and sociable. They like to explore new ideas, exchange information, and interact with others. They are also restless, inconsistent, and superficial. They can be easily distracted, indecisive, and nervous. Gemini natives are motivated by their desire to acquire knowledge, express themselves, and connect with others.

The ruling deity of Mercury is Budha, the son of the Moon and Tara. He symbolizes the intelligence, logic, and skill of Mercury. He also represents the power of analysis, synthesis, and discrimination. Gemini natives can benefit from worshipping Budha and offering him green flowers, mung beans, and honey. The day of the week associated with Mercury is Wednesday. The color of Mercury is green. The gemstone of Mercury is emerald or pearl. The symbol of Gemini is the twins.

Cancer – Karka Rashi (June 21 – July 22): Moon

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, representing the emotional response to the communicated reality. Cancer is a cardinal water sign, meaning that it is intuitive, nurturing, and protective. The Moon, the planet of emotions and intuition, rules over Cancer. It imparts Cancerians with sensitivity, nurturing qualities, and a strong connection to their emotions.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the planet of emotions, intuition, and sensitivity. The Moon gives Cancer the qualities of imagination, compassion, and security. Cancer natives are caring, loyal, and sympathetic. They like to create a comfortable and cozy environment for themselves and their loved ones. They are also moody, clingy, and defensive. They can be easily hurt, insecure, and fearful. Cancer natives are motivated by their desire to feel safe, express their feelings, and care for others.

The ruling deity of the Moon is Apas, the Water Goddess. She symbolizes the fluidity, purity, and nourishment of the Moon. She also represents the power of healing, cleansing, and rejuvenating. Cancer natives can benefit from worshipping Apas and offering her white flowers, milk, and rice. The day of the week associated with the Moon is Monday. The color of the Moon is white. The gemstone of the Moon is pearl or moonstone. The symbol of Cancer is the crab.

Leo – Simha Rashi (July 23 – August 22): Sun

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, representing the creative expression of the emotional reality. Leo is a fixed fire sign, meaning that it is confident, generous, and charismatic. The Sun, the planet of vitality and leadership, governs Leo. It endows Leos with charisma, confidence, and a natural ability to shine in the spotlight. 

Leo is ruled by the Sun, the planet of individuality, vitality, and self-expression. The Sun gives Leo the qualities of leadership, creativity, and pride. Leo natives are noble, magnanimous, and warm-hearted. They like to shine, inspire, and entertain others. They are also egocentric, arrogant, and domineering. They can be vain, bossy, and intolerant. Leo natives are motivated by their desire to achieve their goals, express their individuality, and receive recognition.

The ruling deity of the Sun is Surya, the God of Light. He symbolizes the radiance, power, and glory of the Sun. He also represents the power of illumination, enlightenment, and authority. Leo natives can benefit from worshipping Surya and offering him red flowers, wheat, and ghee. The day of the week associated with the Sun is Sunday. The color of the Sun is red. The gemstone of the Sun is ruby or coral. The symbol of Leo is the lion.

Virgo – Kanya Rashi (August 23 – September 22): Mercury

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, representing the practical application of the creative reality. Virgo is a mutable earth sign, meaning that it is analytical, meticulous, and service-oriented. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and adaptability.Mercury, the planet of analysis and organization, also rules over Virgo. It grants Virgos with a detail-oriented nature, practicality, and a keen analytical mind. 

Mercury gives Virgo the qualities of logic, efficiency, and perfectionism. Virgo natives are intelligent, diligent, and humble. They like to organize, improve, and help others. They are also critical, fussy, and worrisome. They can be overly cautious, nitpicky, and nervous. Virgo natives are motivated by their desire to improve themselves, serve others, and solve problems.

The ruling deity of Mercury is Budha, the son of the Moon and Tara. He symbolizes the intelligence, logic, and skill of Mercury. He also represents the power of analysis, synthesis, and discrimination. Virgo natives can benefit from worshipping Budha and offering him green flowers, mung beans, and honey. The day of the week associated with Mercury is Wednesday. The color of Mercury is green. The gemstone of Mercury is emerald or pearl. The symbol of Virgo is the virgin.

Libra – Tula Rashi (September 23 – October 22): Venus

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, representing the balance and harmony of the practical reality. Libra is a cardinal air sign, meaning that it is diplomatic, sociable, and cooperative. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, governs Libra. It bestows Librans with a love for beauty, a diplomatic nature, and a strong sense of justice. 

Venus gives Libra the qualities of charm, grace, and fairness. Libra natives are friendly, polite, and romantic. They like to create peace, beauty, and harmony in their surroundings and relationships. They are also indecisive, superficial, and dependent. They can be easily influenced, manipulated, or compromised. Libra natives are motivated by their desire to please others, express their ideals, and achieve balance.

The ruling deity of Venus is Shukra, the Guru of the Asuras. He symbolizes the wisdom, grace, and charm of Venus. He also represents the power of attraction, influence, and diplomacy. Libra natives can benefit from worshipping Shukra and offering him white flowers, rice, and sugar. The day of the week associated with Venus is Friday. The color of Venus is white. The gemstone of Venus is diamond or emerald. The symbol of Libra is the scales.

Scorpio – Vrishchik Rashi (October 23 – November 21): Mars

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, representing the transformation and regeneration of the balanced reality. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, meaning that it is intense, secretive, and powerful. Scorpio is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, courage, and initiative. Mars, the planet of passion and transformation, also rules over Scorpio. It empowers Scorpios with intensity, determination, and a deep emotional nature. 

Mars gives Scorpio the qualities of passion, determination, and resilience. Scorpio natives are loyal, resourceful, and charismatic. They like to explore the mysteries of life, death, and beyond. They are also jealous, obsessive, and vengeful. They can be manipulative, destructive, and ruthless. Scorpio natives are motivated by their desire to control, transform, and survive.

The ruling deity of Mars is Bhumi, the Earth Goddess. She symbolizes the physical strength, endurance, and stability of Mars. She also represents the fertility, abundance, and nourishment of the earth. Scorpio natives can benefit from worshipping Bhumi and offering her red flowers, grains, and fruits. The day of the week associated with Mars is Tuesday. The color of Mars is red. The gemstone of Mars is coral or ruby. The symbol of Scorpio is the scorpion.

Sagittarius – Dhanu Rashi (November 22 – December 21): Jupiter

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, representing the expansion and exploration of the transformed reality. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, meaning that it is optimistic, adventurous, and philosophical. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and wisdom, governs Sagittarius. It blesses Sagittarians with optimism, a thirst for knowledge, and a philosophical outlook on life. 

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of spirituality, philosophy, and education. Jupiter gives Sagittarius the qualities of wisdom, generosity, and enthusiasm. Sagittarius natives are honest, cheerful, and visionary. They like to travel, learn, and share their knowledge and beliefs. They are also restless, careless, and dogmatic. They can be overconfident, irresponsible, and intolerant. Sagittarius natives are motivated by their desire to seek the truth, experience the world, and expand their horizons.

The ruling deity of Jupiter is Guru, the Guru of the Devas. He symbolizes the knowledge, benevolence, and guidance of Jupiter. He also represents the power of faith, fortune, and justice. Sagittarius natives can benefit from worshipping Guru and offering him yellow flowers, gram, and jaggery. The day of the week associated with Jupiter is Thursday. The color of Jupiter is yellow. The gemstone of Jupiter is yellow sapphire or topaz. The symbol of Sagittarius is the archer.

Capricorn – Makar Rashi (December 22 – January 19): Saturn

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, representing the structure and discipline of the expanded reality. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, meaning that it is ambitious, practical, and responsible. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitation, restriction, and karma. Saturn, the planet of discipline and responsibility, rules over Capricorn. It bestows Capricorns with ambition, practicality, and a strong sense of duty. 

Saturn gives Capricorn the qualities of perseverance, patience, and realism. Capricorn natives are hard-working, diligent, and prudent. They like to plan, organize, and achieve their goals. They are also pessimistic, rigid, and cold. They can be materialistic, conservative, and lonely. Capricorn natives are motivated by their desire to succeed, prove themselves, and fulfill their duties.

The ruling deity of Saturn is Shani, the God of Justice. He symbolizes the law, order, and discipline of Saturn. He also represents the power of karma, time, and destiny. Capricorn natives can benefit from worshipping Shani and offering him black flowers, sesame, and oil. The day of the week associated with Saturn is Saturday. The color of Saturn is black. The gemstone of Saturn is blue sapphire or amethyst. The symbol of Capricorn is the goat.

Aquarius – Kumbh Rashi (January 20 – February 18): Saturn

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, representing the innovation and revolution of the structured reality. Aquarius is a fixed air sign, meaning that it is original, humanitarian, and progressive. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitation, restriction, and karma. Saturn, the planet of structure and innovation, also governs Aquarius. It empowers Aquarians with originality, humanitarian values, and a rebellious streak. 

Saturn gives Aquarius the qualities of detachment, independence, and eccentricity. Aquarius natives are friendly, inventive, and visionary. They like to challenge the status quo, support the causes, and create the future. They are also rebellious, unpredictable, and aloof. They can be stubborn, erratic, and indifferent. Aquarius natives are motivated by their desire to change, liberate, and enlighten.

The ruling deity of Saturn is Shani, the God of Justice. He symbolizes the law, order, and discipline of Saturn. He also represents the power of karma, time, and destiny. Aquarius natives can benefit from worshipping Shani and offering him black flowers, sesame, and oil. The day of the week associated with Saturn is Saturday. The color of Saturn is black. The gemstone of Saturn is blue sapphire or amethyst. The symbol of Aquarius is the water-bearer.

Pisces – Meen Rashi (February 19 – March 20): Jupiter

Pisces is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, representing the dissolution and transcendence of the innovative reality. Pisces is a mutable water sign, meaning that it is compassionate, mystical, and adaptable. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of spirituality, philosophy, and education. Jupiter, the planet of spirituality and compassion, rules over Pisces. It imparts Pisceans with empathy, creativity, and a deep connection to the mystical realms. 

Jupiter gives Pisces the qualities of faith, intuition, and inspiration. Pisces natives are kind, empathetic, and artistic. They like to dream, imagine, and escape. They are also impressionable, unrealistic, and self-sacrificing. They can be confused, delusional, and vulnerable. Pisces natives are motivated by their desire to connect, heal, and transcend.

The ruling deity of Jupiter is Guru, the Guru of the Devas. He symbolizes the knowledge, benevolence, and guidance of Jupiter. He also represents the power of faith, fortune, and justice. Pisces natives can benefit from worshipping Guru and offering him yellow flowers, gram, and jaggery. The day of the week associated with Jupiter is Thursday. The color of Jupiter is yellow. The gemstone of Jupiter is yellow sapphire or topaz. The symbol of Pisces is the fish.

Understanding the ruling planets of the zodiac signs can deepen our understanding of ourselves and others. By recognizing the influence of these celestial bodies, we can navigate life’s challenges and harness our strengths more effectively.

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