
Numerology: The Sacred and Spiritual Knowledge of Numbers

Vedic numerology is a form of numerology that is based on the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures. Vedic numerology uses the concepts of karma, dharma, and reincarnation to explain the purpose and destiny of each soul. Vedic numerology can help you achieve your goals, fulfill your dreams, and attain enlightenment. Learn how to use Vedic numerology and what it can give you.

The Secret Language of Numbers and Your Life

Do you believe that numbers have a hidden meaning and influence on your life? Do you want to discover the secrets of numerology and how it can help you achieve your goals, fulfill your dreams, and attain enlightenment? If yes, then you have come to the right place. Welcome to Maa Meldi Upasak, the best astrology website page that offers you a comprehensive and accurate service of numerology.

Numerology is the study of numbers and their energetic influence on our lives. It assigns a number to each letter of the alphabet in order to derive a single number for your name. This number is your Destiny number. Your life Path number is the total of your birthday numbers reduced to a single number. These two numbers form the foundation of your personal traits. 

But there are many more numbers in numerology that reveal different aspects of your personality, talents, challenges, and opportunities. By calculating these numbers and interpreting their meanings, you can gain insight into yourself and others better, as well as make the best choices for your future. You can also find out how compatible you are with someone based on your numerology numbers. Numerology compatibility can help you find your soulmate, your best friend, or your ideal partner.

Numbers are help you understand God’s plan

Vedic Numerology, also known as “Chaldean” or “Indian Numerology,” is deeply rooted in the ancient wisdom of the Vedas, the sacred texts of India. This mystical system believes that each number carries a unique vibration and cosmic energy, influencing our lives in profound ways. 

The Numbers and Their Significance:
1. Number 1 (Sun):
– Represents leadership, innovation, and individuality.
– Associated with the Sun, it signifies energy, willpower, and success.
2. Number 2 (Moon):
– Symbolizes cooperation, harmony, and intuition.
– Aligned with the Moon, it influences emotions, relationships, and creativity.
3. Number 3 (Jupiter):
– Represents creativity, communication, and self-expression.
– Linked to Jupiter, it brings luck, optimism, and expansion.
4. Number 4 (Uranus):
– Symbolizes stability, hard work, and practicality.
– Associated with Uranus, it brings innovation and a solid foundation.
5. Number 5 (Mercury):
– Signifies versatility, freedom, and adaptability.
– Linked to Mercury, it enhances communication skills and intellectual pursuits.
6. Number 6 (Venus):
– Represents love, harmony, and responsibility.
– Aligned with Venus, it enhances creativity, relationships, and aesthetics.
7. Number 7 (Neptune):
– Symbolizes spirituality, intuition, and introspection.
– Associated with Neptune, it encourages inner wisdom and insight.
8. Number 8 (Saturn):
– Signifies power, authority, and material success.
– Linked to Saturn, it brings discipline, organization, and karmic lessons.
9. Number 9 (Mars):
– Represents passion, courage, and humanitarianism.
– Aligned with Mars, it brings energy, assertiveness, and a sense of purpose.

We are here to help you with all kinds of questions related to numerology such as:

  • What are my core numbers?
  • What are my master numbers?
  • What are my lucky numbers?
  • What are my unlucky numbers?
  • How do I calculate my core numbers?
  • How do I calculate my master numbers?
  • How do I calculate my lucky numbers?
  • How do I calculate my unlucky numbers?
  • What does each number mean?
  • How compatible am I with someone based on our numerology numbers?
  • How does numerology affect my love life?
  • How does numerology affect my career life?
  • How does numerology affect my health life?

And many more!

Numerology Numbers:

  1. Life Path Number: This is one of the most important numbers in numerology, as it reveals your purpose, mission, and destiny in life. It is calculated by adding the numbers of your date of birth and reducing them to a single digit or a master number (11, 22, or 33).
    For example, if your date of birth is October 22, 1980, you would add 10 + 22 + 1980 = 2012, and then add 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 5. Your Life Path Number is 5. Your Life Path Number indicates the main lessons you are here to learn, the opportunities you have to grow, and the challenges you have to overcome. It also shows your natural talents, abilities, and potential. Your Life Path Number can help you find your direction and passion in life, as well as guide you to make the best choices for your happiness and fulfillment.

  2. Attitude Number: This is the number that reflects your attitude towards life, yourself, and others. It is calculated by adding the numbers of your month and day of birth and reducing them to a single digit or a master number. For example, if your date of birth is October 22, 1980, you would add 10 + 22 = 32, and then add 3 + 2 = 5. Your Attitude Number is 5. Your Attitude Number reveals how you perceive and approach the world, how you express yourself, and how you deal with situations. It also shows your strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. Your Attitude Number can help you understand yourself and others better, as well as improve your relationships and communication skills.

  3. Generation Number: This is the number that represents the generation you belong to, based on the year of your birth. It is calculated by adding the last two digits of your birth year and reducing them to a single digit or a master number. For example, if your date of birth is October 22, 1980, you would add 80 and reduce it to 8. Your Generation Number is 8. Your Generation Number reveals the collective traits, values, and trends of your generation, as well as the historical events and social changes that shaped your worldview. It also shows your role and contribution to your generation, as well as the challenges and opportunities you face. Your Generation Number can help you connect with your peers and elders, as well as discover your place and purpose in the world.

  4. Day of Birth Number: This is the number that represents the day you were born, from 1 to 31. It is calculated by simply taking the number of your birth day as it is, without any reduction. For example, if your date of birth is October 22, 1980, your Day of Birth Number is 22. Your Day of Birth Number reveals your personality, character, and individuality, as well as your gifts, talents, and potential. It also shows your likes, dislikes, and preferences. Your Day of Birth Number can help you discover your true self and express it to the world, as well as enhance your confidence and creativity.

  5. Expression Number: This is the number that represents the full expression of your potential, as determined by your name. It is calculated by adding the numbers assigned to each letter of your name according to the numerology table and reducing them to a single digit or a master number. For example, if your name is John Smith, you would add 1 + 6 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 8 = 44, and then reduce it to 4 + 4 = 8. Your Expression Number is 8.  Your Expression Number reveals your natural abilities, skills, and talents, as well as your aspirations, goals, and dreams. It also shows your challenges, weaknesses, and obstacles, as well as your opportunities, strengths, and solutions. Your Expression Number can help you realize your potential and achieve your goals, as well as overcome your difficulties and improve your skills.

  6. Soul Urge Number: This is the number that represents the deepest desires of your soul, as determined by the vowels in your name. It is calculated by adding the numbers assigned to each vowel in your name according to the numerology table and reducing them to a single digit or a master number. For example, if your name is John Smith, you would add 6 + 5 + 9 = 20, and then reduce it to 2 + 0 = 2. Your Soul Urge Number is 2. Your Soul Urge Number reveals what makes you happy and fulfilled, as well as what motivates and inspires you. It also shows your inner needs, wants, and wishes, as well as your values, beliefs, and principles. Your Soul Urge Number can help you find your passion and purpose in life, as well as align with your true self and your higher power.

  7. Personality Number: This is the number that represents the outward appearance of your personality, as determined by the consonants in your name. It is calculated by adding the numbers assigned to each consonant in your name according to the numerology table and reducing them to a single digit or a master number. For example, if your name is John Smith, you would add 1 + 8 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 8 = 24, and then reduce it to 2 + 4 = 6. Your Personality Number is 6. Your Personality Number reveals how you present yourself to the world, how you interact with others, and how you handle situations. It also shows your social skills, communication style, and impression. Your Personality Number can help you improve your image and reputation, as well as enhance your relationships and networking skills.

  8. Maturity Number: This is the number that represents the ultimate goal of your life, as determined by your Life Path Number and your Expression Number. It is calculated by adding these two numbers and reducing them to a single digit or a master number. For example, if your Life Path Number is 5 and your Expression Number is 8, you would add 5 + 8 = 13, and then reduce it to 1 + 3 = 4. Your Maturity Number is 4. Your Maturity Number reveals what you aspire to be and achieve in your later years, as well as what you need to learn and develop to reach your full potential. It also shows your wisdom, maturity, and fulfillment, as well as your legacy and contribution to the world. Your Maturity Number can help you plan your future and pursue your dreams, as well as grow and evolve as a person.

  9. Compatibility Analysis: This is the process of comparing and contrasting the numerology numbers of two or more people to determine their compatibility and harmony in various aspects of life, such as love, friendship, family, work, etc. It is done by analyzing the similarities and differences between the numbers, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each combination. Compatibility Analysis can help you find your perfect match, your best friend, or your ideal partner, as well as improve your existing relationships and avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. For example, if your Life Path Number is 5 and your partner’s Life Path Number is 7, you would have a compatible relationship based on your mutual curiosity, adventure, and independence. However, you may also face some challenges due to your different approaches to life and your need for freedom and space.

  10. Relationship with Number: This is the concept of having a special affinity or connection with a certain number or a set of numbers, based on your numerology chart or your personal experience. It is believed that having a relationship with a number can bring you luck, fortune, and happiness, as well as guidance and support. It can also help you understand yourself and your life better, as well as make the best decisions for your future. You can find your relationship with a number by looking at your numerology chart or by noticing the numbers that appear frequently or significantly in your life.

  11. Name Analysis: This is the process of studying and interpreting the meaning and influence of a name or a set of names, based on numerology. It is done by calculating the numerology numbers of the name or the names, such as the Destiny number, the Expression number, the Soul Urge number, the Personality number, etc. and analyzing their meanings and significance. Name Analysis can help you discover the hidden aspects of your personality, traits, and preferences, as well as your potential, purpose, and destiny. It can also help you choose or change your name or your names, if you want to enhance your life and achieve your goals.

Unlocking the Cosmic Code of Numerology

Welcome to the mystical realm of Vedic Numerology, where numbers are not just symbols but cosmic vibrations that resonate with the very fabric of the universe. As an expert numerologist – Maa Meldi Upasak, the premier astrology website, I am thrilled to guide you through the profound insights and revelations that Vedic Numerology holds for those seeking a deeper understanding of life’s journey. 

The Essence of Vedic Numerology: Vedic Numerology, also known as “Jyotish” or the science of light, is an ancient system deeply rooted in the Vedas, the sacred texts of India. It goes beyond the surface level of numbers, delving into the cosmic energies that each number embodies. In the realm of Maa Meldi Upasak, we believe that these numbers are not random, but rather a divine language guiding us on our path.

The Power of Numbers: In Vedic Numerology, each number is associated with a specific planet, and its influence is believed to shape our destiny. Through meticulous calculations based on your birth date and name, a skilled numerologist can unravel the cosmic code that governs your life. From your personality traits to your life’s purpose, Vedic Numerology provides a roadmap to navigate the celestial energies that surround you. 

The Nine Divine Numbers: Vedic Numerology revolves around the numbers 1 to 9, each carrying its unique significance. From the pioneering energy of number 1 to the compassionate nature of number 9, each number paints a canvas of traits, strengths, and challenges. Maa Meldi Upasak, with its expertise in numerology, helps individuals decipher the messages encoded in their personal numbers.

The Influence of Planets: Vedic Numerology links each number to a celestial body, enhancing the depth of its interpretation. For instance, the Sun governs number 1, representing leadership and vitality, while the Moon guides number 2, embodying intuition and emotions. Maa Meldi Upasak’s numerologists explore these planetary connections to provide a holistic view of your spiritual journey. 

Life Path Numbers: At the heart of Vedic Numerology lies the concept of the Life Path Number, a single-digit number derived from your birth date. This number unveils the essence of your life’s purpose and the challenges you may encounter. Maa Meldi Upasak’s neurologists specialise in decoding Life Path Numbers, offering profound insights into your unique journey.

Understanding Vedic Numerology and Planetary Influences

Vedic numerology, also known as “Jyotish,” is a sister science to astrology that delves into the intricate relationship between numbers and our universal order. According to this ancient practice, the entire universe was shaped through vibration, employing sound, light, and movement as the fundamental building blocks of matter. Sanskrit, considered the mother of all languages, holds a special place in numerology as it is inherently a vibration. The numbers 1 to 9 are assigned specific vibrations, each representing unique aspects of creation and existence:

  • Number 1 stands for creation, beginning, and initiation.
  • Number 2 embodies polarities and balance.
  • Number 3 symbolizes the soul, representing growth and ease.
  • Number 4 signifies foundation and structure.
  • Number 5 represents change, revolution, and evolution.
  • Number 6 is associated with harmony and connection.
  • Number 7 embodies introspection, intuition, and reflection. It can also symbolize the trinity as it’s tripled.
  • Number 8 signifies infinity and regeneration.
  • Number 9 represents finality, the end of cycles. It can also be seen as ‘0’ (empty) as it is nullified by another ‘9’.

While there are additional Hindu numbers with different vibrations, they are less commonly used in day-to-day life. Understanding the consequences of specific birthdates and their associated vibrations is crucial in Jyotish.

Jyotish assigns different wavelengths to every moment in time, divided into units of 2.88 minutes (or 10 seconds). Each unit has an ‘effect number,’ multiplied by 1000 and added to personal date of birth numbers. This cumulative value, representing an individual, is not inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’ but is interpreted based on its vibration and effects.

The Vedic system also assigns nine vibrations to the planets, each with distinct attributes and a range of degrees as they move around the zodiac. Knowing a planet’s vibration and revolution allows for the calculation of its specific vibrational influence on any given date.

Days, years, months, weeks, hours, minutes, and seconds each have specific numerological values. The day is particularly significant in Jyotish. These values are then converted into vibrational values, influencing the overall numerological value for each planet, which is added to the total of other date-related numbers.

Additionally, Jyotish introduces the concept of the ‘Karma Number,’ also known as the ‘Heart’s Desire’ or ‘Goal Number.’ It is derived by adding all the date of birth numbers, excluding the numerology number, and reducing the total to two digits. A ‘Karma Sign’ (+, 0, or -) is assigned, representing the final influence of the karma vibration on that specific birth date.

While this article touches upon key aspects of Vedic numerology and planetary influences, there are additional factors such as Nakshatras, Yogas, Dasas, and Vimsottari, which are essential components of Jyotish and warrant detailed exploration in separate articles.

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