Hindu Jyotish Shastra
- The Ancient Science of Vedic Astrology and Its Benefits for Your Life

What is Hindu Jyotish Shastra?

Hindu Jyotish Shastra is the ancient science of astrology that is based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of Hinduism. It is also known as Vedic astrology or Hindu astrology. It reveals the knowledge of the future, which is an important limb of the Vedas. It reflects the understanding and perception of ancient spiritual teachers regarding the facts of life. 

Hindu Jyotish Shastra is based on the belief that the planets, stars, and other celestial bodies have an influence on the human life and destiny. It studies the position and movement of these bodies in relation to the earth and the zodiac signs. It also considers the date, time, and place of birth of a person to create a horoscope or a birth chart, which is a map of the sky at the moment of birth. The horoscope shows the placement of the planets in different houses and signs, which indicate various aspects of life such as personality, family, education, career, marriage, children, health, wealth, etc.

How does Hindu Jyotish Shastra work?

To get a Hindu Jyotish Shastra reading, you need to visit a Hindu Jyotish Shastra center and provide your date, time, and place of birth. The Hindu Jyotish Shastra expert will then calculate your horoscope using various methods and tools such as Panchang (the Hindu calendar), Rashi (the zodiac sign), Nakshatra (the lunar constellation), Lagna (the ascendant), Dasha (the planetary period), Bhava (the house), Yoga (the planetary combination), Karana (the half lunar day), etc.

The Hindu Jyotish Shastra expert will then interpret your horoscope and give you predictions and guidance for various aspects of your life. The predictions are divided into 12 or 16 Kundli houses, each dealing with a different aspect of life. You can choose which houses of kundli you want to listen to or get a complete reading.

What is the role of
Nakshatras in Hindu Jyotish Shastra?

Nakshatras are the central axes around which Hindu Jyotish Shastra rotates. They are the 27 (or 28) lunar constellations that divide the ecliptic into equal segments. They are also known as the lunar mansions or the asterisms. Nakshatras play a vital role in Hindu Jyotish Shastra as they reflect the influence of the Moon, which is the most important planet in Vedic astrology. The Moon represents the mind, emotions, and intuition of a person. The position of the Moon in a particular Nakshatra at the time of birth determines the Janma Nakshatra or the birth star of a person. The Janma Nakshatra reveals the personality, temperament, character, and destiny of a person.

Nakshatras also have a significant impact on various aspects of life such as health, wealth, marriage, career, etc. Each Nakshatra has its own characteristics, qualities, attributes, symbols, deities, animals, elements, etc. that affect the nature and behavior of a person. Each Nakshatra also has its own ruling planet, which gives it additional features and effects. 

Nakshatras are also used for calculating various astrological calculations such as Dasha (planetary periods), Muhurta (auspicious moments), Yoga (planetary combinations), etc. They are also used for making predictions and remedies based on the transit of planets through different Nakshatras. Nakshatras are the essence of Hindu Jyotish Shastra as they reveal the secrets of the cosmic energy and its influence on human life. By knowing one’s Nakshatra, one can understand oneself better and improve one’s life in various ways.

Difference between Nakshatras and zodiac signs in Hindu Jyotish Shastra

The difference between Nakshatras and zodiac signs in Hindu Jyotish Shastra is that Nakshatras are the 27 (or 28) lunar constellations that divide the ecliptic into equal segments, while zodiac signs are the 12 equal parts of the ecliptic that correspond to the seasons and the orientation of the Earth to the Sun.

Nakshatras reflect the influence of the Moon, which is the most important planet in Hindu Jyotish Shastra. The position of the Moon in a particular Nakshatra at the time of birth determines the Janma Nakshatra or the birth star of a person. The Janma Nakshatra reveals the personality, temperament, character, and destiny of a person.

Zodiac signs reflect the influence of the Sun, which is also a significant factor in Hindu Jyotish Shastra. The position of the Sun in a particular zodiac sign at the time of birth determines the Rashi or the zodiac sign of a person. The Rashi reveals the basic nature, attitude, and outlook of a person.

Nakshatras and zodiac signs are both used for making predictions and remedies based on the transit of planets through different Nakshatras and signs. They are also used for calculating various astrological calculations such as Dasha (planetary periods), Muhurta (auspicious moments), Yoga (planetary combinations), etc. Nakshatras and zodiac signs are the two essential components of Hindu Jyotish Shastra that reveal the secrets of the cosmic energy and its influence on human life.​

History of Hindu Jyotish Shastra

Hindu Jyotish Shastra is the ancient science of astrology that is based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of Hinduism. It is also known as Vedic astrology or Hindu astrology. It reveals the knowledge of the future, which is an important limb of the Vedas. It reflects the understanding and perception of ancient spiritual teachers regarding the facts of life.

The history of Hindu Jyotish Shastra is not very clear, but it is believed that it is at least 5000 years old. The main aim of Hindu Jyotish Shastra was to keep records of time, events, and transits for Vedic rituals2 Transits are periods of interaction between zodiacs and planets; also called Gochara in Sanskrit.

Hindu Jyotish Shastra is one of the Vedangas, the six auxiliary disciplines used to support Vedic rituals3 The Vedanga Jyotisha is one of the earliest texts about astronomy within the Vedas23 It contains rules for calculating the movements of the Sun and the Moon, and for making calendars and almanacs.

Hindu Jyotish Shastra also has many other sources and branches that developed over time. Some of them are: 

  • The Saptarishi Nadi, which is a collection of predictions made by the seven sages (Saptarishi) who had the power to see the past, present and future of every soul.
  • The Shiva Nadi, which is a form of Nadi astrology that is in the form of dialogues between Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati.
  • The Parashara Hora Shastra, which is a classic text on horoscopic astrology attributed to Sage Parashara, the father of Vyasa.
  • The Brihat Jataka, which is a treatise on predictive astrology written by Varahamihira, a renowned astronomer and mathematician of the 6th century CE. 
  • The Brihat Samhita, which is an encyclopedia of various topics related to astrology, astronomy, geography, architecture, weather, animals, plants, etc., also written by Varahamihira. 
  • The Saravali, which is a comprehensive text on horoscopic astrology written by Kalyana Varma, a king of a small state in south India in the 10th century CE. 

Hindu Jyotish Shastra uses various methods and tools to study the influence of the planets, stars, and other celestial bodies on human life and destiny. Some of them are: 

  • The sidereal zodiac, which is based on the fixed positions of the stars and constellations, unlike the tropical zodiac used in Western astrology, which is based on the seasons and the orientation of the Earth to the Sun.
  • The Nakshatras, which are 27 (or 28) lunar constellations that divide the ecliptic into equal segments. They serve for a more detailed explanation of the influence of the planets, especially the Moon and Lagna (the ascendant), and for calculating life-periods (Dasha) and determining Muhurta (a favorable moment).
  • The Rashi, which are 12 equal parts of the ecliptic that correspond to the seasons and the orientation of the Earth to the Sun. They reveal the basic nature, attitude, and outlook of a person.
  • The Kundali, which is a horoscope or a birth chart, which is a map of the sky at the moment of birth. It shows the placement of the planets in different houses and signs, which indicate various aspects of life such as personality, family, education, career, marriage, children, health, wealth, etc.
  • The Grahas, which are nine planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Rahu-Ketu (the two nodes of the Moon). They have different characteristics, qualities, attributes, symbols, deities, animals, elements, etc. that affect the nature and behavior of a person.
  • The Dasha, which is a planetary period that indicates the major influences of a planet on a person’s life for a certain duration. There are different types of Dasha systems, such as Vimshottari, Ashtottari, Yogini, etc.
  • The Drishti, which is an aspect or a sight of a planet on another planet or a house. It shows the interaction and relationship between the planets and their effects on a person’s life.
  • The Yoga, which is a special planetary combination that gives rise to specific results, either good or bad, in a person’s life. There are hundreds of Yogas, such as Gajakesari, Rajayoga, Dhanyoga, etc.

Hindu Jyotish Shastra can provide many benefits to a person who wants to know more about their life and destiny. It can reveal the purpose and meaning of life and help to fulfill it. It can help to understand oneself better and improve one’s personality and behavior. It can help to know one’s past, present and future and plan accordingly. It can help to overcome the challenges and difficulties in life and achieve one’s goals and dreams. It can help to find one’s soulmate and enjoy a happy and harmonious relationship. It can help to enhance one’s health, wealth, happiness and prosperity. It can help to clear one’s karmas and balance one’s energies. It can help to attain spiritual growth and enlightenment.

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