Nadi Astrology
- The secrets of your destiny revealed
by the ancient Indian Sages

What is Nadi Astrology?

Nadi Astrology is a form of astrology that is practiced in Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and adjacent regions in India. It is based on the belief that the past, present and future lives of all humans were foreseen and recorded on palm leaves by Hindu sages in ancient times.

These palm leaves are known as Nadi leaves or Nadi granthas. They contain the predictions of thousands of individuals based on their thumb impressions. Each thumb impression corresponds to a bundle of leaves that contains the details of a person’s life, such as their name, date of birth, family background, profession, marriage, children, health, wealth, etc.

The Nadi leaves are written in Vatteluttu, an ancient Tamil script, and are stored in various places such as temples, libraries, or private collections. Some of the most famous Nadi centers are located near the Vaitheeswaran Temple in Tamil Nadu.

How does Nadi Astrology work?

To get your Nadi reading, you need to visit a Nadi center and give your thumb impression (right for men, left for women). The Nadi reader will then search for the bundle of leaves that matches your thumb impression among thousands of bundles. This may take some time and effort.

Once the bundle is found, the Nadi reader will verify your identity by asking you some questions based on the information on the first leaf. These questions may include your name, date of birth, parents’ names, spouse’s name, etc. If you answer them correctly, it means that the bundle belongs to you and the reading can proceed.

The Nadi reader will then read out the predictions from the leaves in Tamil and translate them into your preferred language. The predictions are divided into 12 or 16 chapters, each dealing with a different aspect of your life. You can choose which chapters you want to listen to or get a complete reading.

How nadi astrology helps in our life?

Nadi astrology is a form of astrology that can help you in your life by revealing the past, present and future of your soul. It can help you to understand your karma, destiny, and purpose of life. It can also provide you with guidance and remedies to overcome the problems and challenges that you may face in your life.

Nadi astrology is based on the belief that the sages of ancient India foresaw and recorded the lives of all humans on palm leaves. These palm leaves are known as Nadi leaves or Nadi granthas. They contain the predictions of thousands of individuals based on their thumb impressions. Each thumb impression corresponds to a bundle of leaves that contains the details of a person’s life, such as their name, date of birth, family background, profession, marriage, children, health, wealth, etc.

To get your Nadi reading, you need to visit a Nadi center and give your thumb impression. The Nadi reader will then search for the bundle of leaves that matches your thumb impression among thousands of bundles. Once the bundle is found, the Nadi reader will verify your identity by asking you some questions based on the information on the first leaf. If you answer them correctly, it means that the bundle belongs to you and the reading can proceed.

The Nadi reader will then read out the predictions from the leaves in Tamil and translate them into your preferred language. The predictions are divided into 12 or 16 chapters, each dealing with a different aspect of your life. You can choose which chapters you want to listen to or get a complete reading.

   Nadi astrology can provide you with many benefits such as: 

  • It can reveal the purpose and meaning of your life and help you to fulfill it.
  • It can help you to understand yourself better and improve your personality and behavior.
  • It can help you to know your past, present and future and plan accordingly. 
  • It can help you to overcome the challenges and difficulties in your life and achieve your goals and dreams.
  • It can help you to find your soulmate and enjoy a happy and harmonious relationship.
  • It can help you to enhance your health, wealth, happiness and prosperity.
  • It can help you to clear your karmas and balance your energies.
  • It can help you to attain spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Nadi types in Nadi astrology

Nadi types in Nadi astrology are the categories of Nadi that are used to classify the horoscopes of individuals based on their thumb impressions. Nadi is a Sanskrit word that means ‘channel’ or ‘flow’ and refers to the subtle energy that circulates in the human body.

According to Nadi astrology, there are three types of Nadi: Adi, Madhya, and Antya. These types correspond to the three humors or doshas in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Adi Nadi is associated with Vata dosha, which is the principle of movement and air element. Adi Nadi flows from bottom to top in the body and represents creativity, dynamism, and spirituality. People with Adi Nadi are usually restless, adventurous, and imaginative.

Madhya Nadi is associated with Pitta dosha, which is the principle of transformation and fire element. Madhya Nadi flows in both directions in the body and represents intelligence, leadership, and courage. People with Madhya Nadi are usually rational, ambitious, and confident.

Antya Nadi is associated with Kapha dosha, which is the principle of stability and water element. Antya Nadi flows from top to bottom in the body and represents patience, loyalty, and compassion. People with Antya Nadi are usually calm, reliable, and affectionate.

The type of Nadi can be determined by taking the thumb impression of a person and matching it with the bundles of palm leaves that contain the predictions of their life. Each bundle belongs to one of the three types of Nadi and has a unique number and name. The Nadi reader can then read out the predictions from the leaves after verifying the identity of the person.

Nadi astrology is a fascinating and mysterious branch of astrology that can reveal the past, present, and future lives of a person based on their thumb impression. It can also provide guidance and remedies for various problems and challenges in life. If you want to know more about Nadi astrology or get your Nadi reading done by an expert, you can visit our website [Maa Meldi Upasak] and book an appointment with us. We offer online and offline Nadi astrology services and guidance for all your life queries and issues.

Facts about Nadi Shashtra

Nadi Astrology is a form of astrology that originated in India and is based on the belief that the lives of all humans were foreseen and recorded on palm leaves by Hindu sages in ancient times. These palm leaves are known as Nadi leaves or Nadi granthas and they contain the predictions of thousands of individuals based on their thumb impressions. In this blog post, I will tell you about the history of Nadi Astrology and how it works.

The origin of Nadi Astrology is shrouded in mystery and legend. According to some sources, Nadi Astrology was first composed by the Sapta Rishis, or the seven sages, who had the power to see the past, present and future of every soul. They wrote their visions on palm leaves using an ancient Tamil script called Vatteluttu. These leaves were then stored in various places such as temples, libraries or private collections.

According to another legend, a saint named Kakabusanda sang verses to his disciple Gorakhnath about the fate and destiny of mankind. This form of Nadi Astrology is known as Kakabusanda Nadi. There are also other forms of Nadi Astrology named after different sages or deities, such as Agasthya Nadi, Shiva Nadi, Muruga Nadi, Shakti Nadi, Ganesh Nadi, Nandi Nadi, Jeeva Nadi, Dhruva Nadi and Suka Nadi. Each form of Nadi Astrology has its own style and method of prediction.

The palm leaves that contain the predictions are preserved over the years by applying peacock oil on auspicious occasions. However, these leaves have also suffered from various invasions and destructions by foreign rulers. For example, during the Mughal invasion in the 16th century, many Nadi leaves were burnt or damaged by the invaders who did not understand their value. A Brahmin astrologer who dreamt of Sage Agasthya managed to save some of the leaves from the Tanjore palace and passed them on to his descendants. His family came to be known as the Shiva family and they became the custodians of the Nadi manuscripts.

During the British rule, some of the Nadi leaves were given away, sold or auctioned to different people or institutions. Some of them were also taken away by the British who were interested in the knowledge of alchemy, medicine and herbs that were revealed in the leaves. As a result, the Nadi leaves were scattered and collected by various communities of astrologers who practiced Nadi Astrology in different parts of India. One of the most famous places where Nadi Astrology is practiced is Vaideeshwaran Koil near Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu. Here, many astrologers make a living by reading the predictions from the Nadi leaves to their clients.

To get a Nadi reading, one has to visit a Nadi center and give their thumb impression (right for men, left for women). The thumb impression is unique for every individual and it corresponds to a bundle of leaves that contains their predictions. The Nadi reader will search for the bundle among thousands of bundles and verify the identity of the person by asking some questions based on the information on the first leaf. If the answers are correct, it means that the bundle belongs to the person and the reading can proceed.

The reading is divided into 12 or 16 chapters, each dealing with a different aspect of life. The person can choose which chapters they want to listen to or get a complete reading. The chapters cover topics such as general predictions, wealth, siblings, parents, children, spouse, longevity, past life, future life, profession, spirituality, remedies, etc. The predictions are read out in Tamil and translated into the preferred language of the person.

Nadi Astrology can provide many benefits to a person who wants to know more about their life and destiny. It can reveal the purpose and meaning of life and help to fulfill it. It can help to understand oneself better and improve one’s personality and behavior. It can help to know one’s past, present and future and plan accordingly. It can help to overcome the challenges and difficulties in life and achieve one’s goals and dreams. It can help to find one’s soulmate and enjoy a happy and harmonious relationship. It can help to enhance one’s health, wealth, happiness and prosperity. It can help to clear one’s karmas and balance one’s energies. It can help to attain spiritual growth and enlightenment.

If you are interested in our astrology services or want to know more about us, you can visit our website "Maa Meldi Upasak" and explore our Astrology offerings. You can also contact us by filling out the form on our website or calling us at our WhatsApp or phone number [+91-9351111780]. We will be happy to assist you and answer your queries.We hope you found our page informative and helpful. If you did, please share it with your friends, family and relatives who might be interested in Vastu Shastra and astrology. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to get more updates on Vedic astrology, numerology, palmistry, tarot reading and more.

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