Navagraha Mantra

Navagraha Mantras:
The Powerful Chants for the Nine Planets

Navagraha Mantras are the sacred hymns that are used to worship and appease the nine planets or Navagraha in Hindu astrology. These planets are Sun (Surya), Moon (Chandra), Mars (Mangal), Mercury (Budh), Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Saturn (Shani), Rahu, and Ketu. These planets have a significant impact on our lives, as they affect our personality, health, wealth, career, relationships, and spirituality. According to Vedic astrology, the position and movement of these planets in our birth chart or horoscope determine our destiny and karma. The planets can be either benefic or malefic, depending on their nature and aspect. The benefic planets are Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Venus, while the malefic planets are Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.

 The Surya Mantra:

॥ ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः ॥

( Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namah )

Surya (Sun) Mantra :

Surya is the symbol of light, wisdom, and vitality. He is the lord of the Sun and the ruler of the zodiac sign Leo. He represents the soul, the ego, the authority, the leadership, and the fame of a person. He is also the source of life, energy, and heat in the universe. He is the son of Sage Kashyap and Aditi, and the husband of Sanjana. He is also known as Surya Narayana, Ravi, Bhanu, and many more. He rides a chariot driven by seven horses, and has two sons, Yama and Shani. 

The Surya Mantra is the chant that is used to worship and honour Surya, and to seek his blessings and protection. The Surya Mantra can help us to enhance our health, vitality, intelligence, creativity, and confidence. It can also help us to achieve fame, success, and recognition in our life. It can also help us to overcome the negative effects of Shani or Saturn, who is the son and the enemy of Surya.

This is the beej or seed mantra of Surya, which contains the essence and vibration of Surya. It can be chanted 108 times or 1008 times, depending on the time and purpose. 

  • The best time to chant the Surya Mantra is during the sunrise or the Surya hora, which is the first hour of the day. 
  • The best day to chant the Surya Mantra is on Sunday, which is the day of Surya. 
  • The best direction to face while chanting the Surya Mantra is the east, which is the direction of Surya. 
  • The best color to wear while chanting the Surya Mantra is red, which is the color of Surya.
  • The best gemstone to wear or hold while chanting the Surya Mantra is ruby, which is the stone of Surya. 

Some of the benefits of chanting the Surya Mantra are: 

  • It improves our physical health and immunity, as it strengthens the heart, the blood, the eyes, and the skin.
  • It enhances our mental health and intelligence, as it stimulates the brain and the nervous system.
  • It boosts our creativity and expression, as it activates the third eye and the throat chakras.
  • It increases our confidence and courage, as it empowers the solar plexus chakra.
  • It attracts fame, success, and recognition, as it aligns us with the cosmic will and the divine plan.
  • It protects us from the negative effects of Shani or Saturn, as it appeases the father-son relationship.

The Chandra Mantra is:

॥ ॐ श्रां श्रीं श्रौं सः चन्द्राय नमः ॥ 

( Om Shraam Shreem Shraum Sah Chandraya Namah )

Chandra ( Moon ) Mantra :

Chandra ( Moon ) is the symbol of emotion, intuition, and imagination. He is the lord of the Moon and the ruler of the zodiac sign Cancer. He represents the mind, the mood, the memory, and the mother of a person. He is also the source of nourishment, fertility, and creativity in the universe. He is the son of Sage Atri and Anasuya, and the husband of Rohini. He is also known as Soma, Indu, Shashanka, and many more. He rides a chariot driven by ten white horses, and has 27 wives, who are the lunar constellations or Nakshatras. 

The Chandra  Mantra is the chant that is used to worship and honour Chandra, and to seek his blessings and protection. The Chandra Mantra can help us to enhance our emotional, mental, and creative well-being. It can also help us to achieve peace, happiness, and harmony in our life. It can also help us to overcome the negative effects of Rahu and Ketu, who are the enemies of Chandra.

This is the beej or seed mantra of Chandra, which contains the essence and vibration of Chandra. It can be chanted 108 times or 1008 times, depending on the time and purpose. 

  • The best time to chant the Chandra Mantra is during the moonrise or the Chandra hora, which is the second hour of the day. 
  • The best day to chant the Chandra Mantra is on Monday, which is the day of Chandra. 
  • The best direction to face while chanting the Chandra Mantra is the north, which is the direction of Chandra. 
  • The best color to wear while chanting the Chandra Mantra is white, which is the color of Chandra. 
  • The best gemstone to wear or hold while chanting the Chandra Mantra is pearl, which is the stone of Chandra.

Some of the benefits of chanting the Chandra ( Moon ) Mantra are:

  • It improves our emotional health and stability, as it balances the water element and the lunar cycle in our body.
  • It enhances our mental health and intelligence, as it stimulates the brain and the pineal gland.
  • It boosts our imagination and creativity, as it activates the crown and the third eye chakras.
  • It increases our peace and happiness, as it calms the mind and the heart.
  • It attracts harmony and love, as it harmonises the energies of the moon and the earth.
  • It protects us from the negative effects of Rahu and Ketu, as it appeases the lunar nodes and the karmic axis.

The Mangal Mantra is:

॥ ॐ क्रां क्रीं क्रौं सः भौमाय नमः ॥

(Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sah Bhaumaya Namah)

Mangal (Mars) Mantra :

Mangal is the symbol of action, passion, and courage. He is the lord of Mars and the ruler of the zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio. He represents the energy, the drive, the ambition, and the aggression of a person. He is also the source of strength, courage, and valour in the universe. He is the son of Earth and the brother of Ganesha. He is also known as Bhauma, Kuja, Angaraka, and many more. He rides a ram or a chariot driven by eight red horses, and has four arms, holding a spear, a mace, a lotus, and a blessing.

The Mangal Mantra is the chant that is used to worship and honour Mangal, and to seek his blessings and protection. The Mangal Mantra can help us to enhance our physical, mental, and emotional strength and courage. It can also help us to achieve our goals and ambitions in life. It can also help us to overcome the negative effects of Shukra or Venus, who is the enemy of Mangal.

This is the beej or seed mantra of Mangal, which contains the essence and vibration of Mangal. It can be chanted 108 times or 1008 times, depending on the time and purpose. 

  • The best time to chant the Mangal Mantra is during the sunrise or the Mangal hora, which is the third hour of the day. 
  • The best day to chant the Mangal Mantra is on Tuesday, which is the day of Mangal. 
  • The best direction to face while chanting the Mangal Mantra is the south, which is the direction of Mangal. 
  • The best color to wear while chanting the Mangal Mantra is red, which is the color of Mangal. 
  • The best gemstone to wear or hold while chanting the Mangal Mantra is coral, which is the stone of Mangal.

Some of the benefits of chanting the Mangal Mantra are:

  • It improves our physical health and stamina, as it strengthens the muscles, the bones, the blood, and the immune system.
  • It enhances our mental health and courage, as it stimulates the brain and the adrenal glands.
  • It boosts our energy and drive, as it activates the root and the sacral chakras.
  • It increases our confidence and willpower, as it empowers us to take action and face challenges.
  • It attracts success and achievement, as it aligns us with our goals and ambitions.
  • It protects us from the negative effects of Shukra or Venus, as it appeases the love-hate relationship.

The Budh Mantra is:

॥ ॐ ब्रां ब्रीं ब्रौं सः बुधाय नमः ॥

(Om Braam Breem Braum Sah Budhaya Namah)

Budha (Mercury) Mantra :

Budh is the symbol of communication, logic, and intelligence. He is the lord of Mercury and the ruler of the zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo. He represents the speech, the mind, the learning, and the commerce of a person. He is also the source of knowledge, skill, and versatility in the universe. He is the son of Chandra ( Moon ) and Tara, and the student of Brihaspati. He is also known as Saumya, Gaurav, and many more. He rides a lion or a chariot driven by eight green horses, and has four arms, holding a sword, a shield, a mace, and a lotus.

The Budh Mantra is the chant that is used to worship and honour Budh, and to seek his blessings and protection. The Budh Mantra can help us to enhance our communication, logic, and intelligence. It can also help us to achieve success and prosperity in our life. It can also help us to overcome the negative effects of Mangal or Mars, who is the enemy of Budh.

This is the beej or seed mantra of Budh, which contains the essence and vibration of Budh. It can be chanted 108 times or 1008 times, depending on the time and purpose. 

  • The best time to chant the Budh Mantra is during the sunrise or the Budh hora, which is the fourth hour of the day. 
  • The best day to chant the Budh Mantra is on Wednesday, which is the day of Budh. 
  • The best direction to face while chanting the Budh Mantra is the north, which is the direction of Budh. 
  • The best color to wear while chanting the Budh Mantra is green, which is the color of Budh. 
  • The best gemstone to wear or hold while chanting the Budh Mantra is emerald, which is the stone of Budh.

Some of the benefits of chanting the Budh Mantra are:

  • It improves our communication and expression, as it strengthens the throat and the vocal cords.
  • It enhances our logic and intelligence, as it stimulates the brain and the nervous system.
  • It boosts our learning and skill, as it activates the third eye and the crown chakras.
  • It increases our success and prosperity, as it aligns us with our purpose and potential.
  • It protects us from the negative effects of Mangal or Mars, as it appeases the logic-passion relationship.

The Guru Mantra is:

॥ ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरवे नमः ॥

( Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Gurave Namah )

Brihaspati (Jupiter) Mantra :

Guru is the symbol of wisdom, knowledge, and spirituality. He is the lord of Jupiter and the ruler of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces. He represents the teacher, the guru, the mentor, and the guide of a person. He is also the source of expansion, growth, and optimism in the universe. He is the son of Angiras and Surupa, and the husband of Tara. He is also known as Brihaspati, Devaguru, and many more. He rides an elephant or a chariot driven by eight yellow horses, and has four arms, holding a book, a rosary, a water pot, and a blessing.

The Guru Mantra is the chant that is used to worship and honour Guru, and to seek his blessings and protection. The Guru Mantra can help us to enhance our wisdom, knowledge, and spirituality. It can also help us to achieve success and happiness in our life. It can also help us to overcome the negative effects of Budh or Mercury, who is the enemy of Guru.

This is the beej or seed mantra of Guru, which contains the essence and vibration of Guru. It can be chanted 108 times or 1008 times, depending on the time and purpose. 

  • The best time to chant the Guru Mantra is during the sunrise or the Guru hora, which is the fifth hour of the day. 
  • The best day to chant the Guru Mantra is on Thursday, which is the day of Guru. 
  • The best direction to face while chanting the Guru Mantra is the north-east, which is the direction of Guru. 
  • The best color to wear while chanting the Guru Mantra is yellow, which is the color of Guru. 
  • The best gemstone to wear or hold while chanting the Guru Mantra is yellow sapphire, which is the stone of Guru.

Some of the benefits of chanting the Guru Mantra are:

  • It improves our wisdom and knowledge, as it strengthens the intellect and the intuition.
  • It enhances our spirituality and faith, as it stimulates the pineal gland and the crown chakra.
  • It boosts our expansion and growth, as it activates the higher self and the divine purpose.
  • It increases our success and happiness, as it aligns us with the grace and the guidance of the guru.
  • It protects us from the negative effects of Budh or Mercury, as it appeases the wisdom-logic relationship.

The Shukra Mantra is:

ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं सः शुक्राय नमः ॥

(Om Draam Dreem Draum Sah Shukraya Namah)

Shukra (Venus) Mantra :

Shukra is the symbol of love, beauty, and pleasure. He is the lord of Venus and the ruler of the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra. He represents the attraction, the romance, the art, and the luxury of a person. He is also the source of happiness, harmony, and grace in the universe. He is the son of Sage Bhrigu and Khyati, and the husband of Urjaswati. He is also known as Shukracharya, Daityaguru, and many more. He rides a horse or a chariot driven by eight white horses, and has four arms, holding a staff, a lotus, a mala, and a blessing.

The Shukra Mantra is the chant that is used to worship and honour Shukra, and to seek his blessings and protection. The Shukra Mantra can help us to enhance our love, beauty, and pleasure. It can also help us to achieve happiness, harmony, and grace in our life. It can also help us to overcome the negative effects of Mangal or Mars, who is the enemy of Shukra.

This is the beej or seed mantra of Shukra, which contains the essence and vibration of Shukra. It can be chanted 108 times or 1008 times, depending on the time and purpose. 

  • The best time to chant the Shukra Mantra is during the sunset or the Shukra hora, which is the sixth hour of the day. 
  • The best day to chant the Shukra Mantra is on Friday, which is the day of Shukra. 
  • The best direction to face while chanting the Shukra Mantra is the south-east, which is the direction of Shukra. 
  • The best color to wear while chanting the Shukra Mantra is white, which is the color of Shukra. 
  • The best gemstone to wear or hold while chanting the Shukra Mantra is diamond, which is the stone of Shukra.

Some of the benefits of chanting the Shukra Mantra are:

  • It improves our love and romance, as it strengthens the heart and the reproductive organs.
  • It enhances our beauty and pleasure, as it stimulates the skin and the senses.
  • It boosts our art and luxury, as it activates the throat and the brow chakras.
  • It increases our happiness and harmony, as it calms the mind and the emotions.
  • It attracts grace and charm, as it aligns us with the divine and the cosmic love.
  • It protects us from the negative effects of Mangal or Mars, as it appeases the love-passion relationship.

The Shani Mantra is:

॥ ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः ॥

(Om Praam Preem Praum

Sah Shanaischaraya Namah)

Shani (Saturn) Mantra :

Shani is the symbol of discipline, justice, and karma. He is the lord of Saturn and the ruler of the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius. He represents the duty, the responsibility, the law, and the order of a person. He is also the source of limitation, restriction, and delay in the universe. He is the son of Surya and Chhaya, and the brother of Yama. He is also known as Shanishwara, Manda, and many more. He rides a crow or a chariot driven by eight black horses, and has four arms, holding a sword, a trident, a bow, and a blessing.

The Shani Mantra is the chant that is used to worship and honour Shani, and to seek his blessings and protection. The Shani Mantra can help us to enhance our discipline, justice, and karma. It can also help us to achieve success and stability in our life. It can also help us to overcome the negative effects of Surya or Sun, who is the father and the enemy of Shani.

This is the beej or seed mantra of Shani, which contains the essence and vibration of Shani. It can be chanted 108 times or 1008 times, depending on the time and purpose. 

  • The best time to chant the Shani Mantra is during the sunset or the Shani hora, which is the seventh hour of the day. 
  • The best day to chant the Shani Mantra is on Saturday, which is the day of Shani. 
  • The best direction to face while chanting the Shani Mantra is the west, which is the direction of Shani. 
  • The best color to wear while chanting the Shani Mantra is black, which is the color of Shani. 
  • The best gemstone to wear or hold while chanting the Shani Mantra is blue sapphire, which is the stone of Shani.

Some of the benefits of chanting the Shani Mantra are:

  • It improves our discipline and responsibility, as it strengthens the bones, the teeth, the skin, and the hair.
  • It enhances our justice and karma, as it stimulates the brain and the pituitary gland.
  • It boosts our success and stability, as it activates the root and the throat chakras.
  • It increases our patience and perseverance, as it empowers us to endure and overcome the hardships and challenges in our lives.
  • It attracts respect and authority, as it aligns us with the cosmic law and the divine order.
  • It protects us from the negative effects of Surya or Sun, as it appeases the father-son relationship.

The Rahu Mantra is:

॥ ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः राहवे नमः ॥

(Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhraum Sah Rahave Namah)

Rahu Mantra :
(Ascending node of the Moon)

Rahu is the symbol of illusion, deception, and ambition. He is the lord of the ascending node of the moon and the co-ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius. He represents the desire, the obsession, the innovation, and the rebellion of a person. He is also the source of confusion, chaos, and unpredictability in the universe. He is the head of a demon who was decapitated by Vishnu while trying to drink the nectar of immortality. He is also known as Rahu Ketu, Svarbhanu, and many more. He rides a lion or a chariot driven by eight black horses, and has two arms, holding a sword and a shield.

The Rahu Mantra is the chant that is used to worship and honour Rahu, and to seek his blessings and protection. The Rahu Mantra can help us to enhance our desire, obsession, innovation, and rebellion. It can also help us to achieve success and fame in our life. It can also help us to overcome the negative effects of Chandra ( Moon ) or Moon, who is the enemy of Rahu.

This is the beej or seed mantra of Rahu, which contains the essence and vibration of Rahu. It can be chanted 108 times or 1008 times, depending on the time and purpose. 

  • The best time to chant the Rahu Mantra is during the sunset or the Rahu hora, which is the eighth hour of the day. 
  • The best day to chant the Rahu Mantra is on Saturday, which is the day of Rahu. 
  • The best direction to face while chanting the Rahu Mantra is the south-west, which is the direction of Rahu. 
  • The best color to wear while chanting the Rahu Mantra is black, which is the color of Rahu. 
  • The best gemstone to wear or hold while chanting the Rahu Mantra is hessonite, which is the stone of Rahu.

Some of the benefits of chanting the Rahu Mantra are:

  • It improves our desire and obsession, as it strengthens the subconscious mind and the psychic abilities.
  • It enhances our innovation and rebellion, as it stimulates the brain and the nervous system.
  • It boosts our success and fame, as it activates the solar plexus and the throat chakras.
  • It increases our courage and confidence, as it empowers us to pursue our goals and dreams.
  • It attracts wealth and prosperity, as it aligns us with the cosmic abundance and the divine grace.
  • It protects us from the negative effects of Chandra or Moon, as it appeases the head-tail relationship.

The Ketu Mantra is:

॥ ॐ स्त्रां स्त्रीं स्त्रौं सः केतवे नमः ॥

(Om Straam Streem Straum Sah Ketave Namah)

Ketu Mantra :
(Descending node of the Moon)

Ketu is the symbol of detachment, liberation, and spirituality. He is the lord of the descending node of the moon and the co-ruler of the zodiac sign Scorpio. He represents the past, the karma, the enlightenment, and the renunciation of a person. He is also the source of spirituality, mysticism, and occultism in the universe. He is the tail of a demon who was decapitated by Vishnu while trying to drink the nectar of immortality. He is also known as Ketu Ketu, Dhuma, and many more. He rides a vulture or a chariot driven by eight red horses, and has two arms, holding a banner and a sword.

The Ketu Mantra is the chant that is used to worship and honour Ketu, and to seek his blessings and protection. The Ketu Mantra can help us to enhance our detachment, liberation, and spirituality. It can also help us to achieve success and fulfilment in our life. It can also help us to overcome the negative effects of Guru or Jupiter, who is the enemy of Ketu.

This is the beej or seed mantra of Ketu, which contains the essence and vibration of Ketu. It can be chanted 108 times or 1008 times, depending on the time and purpose. 

  • The best time to chant the Ketu Mantra is during the sunset or the Ketu hora, which is the ninth hour of the day. 
  • The best day to chant the Ketu Mantra is on Tuesday, which is the day of Ketu. 
  • The best direction to face while chanting the Ketu Mantra is the north-west, which is the direction of Ketu. 
  • The best color to wear while chanting the Ketu Mantra is grey, which is the color of Ketu. 
  • The best gemstone to wear or hold while chanting the Ketu Mantra is cat’s eye, which is the stone of Ketu.

Some of the benefits of chanting the Ketu Mantra are:

  • It improves our detachment and liberation, as it strengthens the aura and the kundalini energy.
  • It enhances our spirituality and enlightenment, as it stimulates the pineal gland and the crown chakra.
  • It boosts our mysticism and occultism, as it activates the psychic and the paranormal abilities.
  • It increases our success and fulfilment, as it empowers us to transcend the material and the mundane.
  • It attracts wisdom and knowledge, as it aligns us with the cosmic intelligence and the divine will.
  • It protects us from the negative effects of Guru or Jupiter, as it appeases the past-future relationship.

The Navagraha Mantras are the powerful chants that can help us to align with the positive aspects of the planets and reduce their negative effects. These mantras are the beej or seed mantras that contain the essence and vibration of the planets. By chanting these mantras regularly, we can invoke the blessings and grace of the planets and enhance our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We can also perform remedies or rituals to pacify the planets and remove the obstacles and difficulties in our lives. The Navagraha Mantras can be chanted in Sanskrit or Hindi, and can be recited either individually or collectively. The mantras can be chanted at any time, but the best time is during the planetary hours or the days associated with each planet. The mantras can also be chanted in front of the images or idols of the planets, or while wearing or holding their gemstones.

Namaste. 🙏

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