Divorce Problem Solution

Marriage is a sacred and beautiful bond that can bring joy and happiness to a person’s life. However, marriage also comes with its own set of challenges and problems that can test the strength and durability of the relationship. One of the most common and serious problems that many married couples face is the husband wife dispute that will leads to divorce. We will discuss how Vedic astrology can help in finding solutions to various divorce problems and what are the astrological factors that influence the divorce prospects of a person.

Divorce Problems & Solutions:
As Astrology Perspective

Divorce is a painful and traumatic experience that can shatter the dreams and hopes of a married couple. It is the legal dissolution of a marriage that can have serious implications on the personal, social, and financial aspects of the lives of the partners and their children. Divorce is not only a legal issue, but also a spiritual one, as it affects the karmic bond between the spouses and their destiny. Therefore, it is not a decision that should be taken lightly or hastily, but with careful consideration and guidance. 

Vedic astrology is an ancient and divine science that can provide valuable insights and guidance for solving divorce problems. Vedic astrology is based on the principle that the planets and stars influence our lives and destiny. By analyzing the Birth Chart or Kundli of a person, Vedic astrology can reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the person, the opportunities and challenges that the person will face, and the remedies that can enhance the positive effects and reduce the negative effects of the planets.

Astrological Factors for Divorce

Vedic astrology is a system of astrology that originated in ancient India and is based on the movement of the planets and the stars. Vedic astrology can be used to analyze various aspects of life, such as marriage, career, health, and spirituality. One of the topics that Vedic astrology can address is the possibility of divorce or separation in a marital relationship. 

There are many factors that can affect the divorce prospects of a person, such as:  

  • Infidelity or an extramarital affair
  • Trouble with finances
  • Lack of communication and equality
  • Constant arguing
  • Weight gain
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Lack of intimacy 

However, sometimes the divorce prospects are not due to these personal factors, but due to the unfavorable planetary positions and combinations in the birth chart of the person. Some of the astrological factors that can indicate the possibility of divorce are: 

  • Malefic planets in the 7th house: The 7th house represents marriage and partnerships, and the presence of malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, or Ketu in this house can indicate marital discord and potential divorce. These planets can cause conflicts, disagreements, dissatisfaction, and instability in the relationship. The effect of these planets can be more pronounced if they are debilitated, retrograde, or aspected by other malefic planets. For example, if Mars is placed in the 7th house in the signs of Aries, Scorpio, or Aquarius, it can indicate a higher likelihood of conflicts and disputes in the relationship.
  • Weak Venus: Venus is the planet of love and relationships, and it plays a pivotal role in determining the harmony in marital life. If Venus is weak or afflicted by malefic planets, it can indicate a lack of love, affection, attraction, and compatibility in the relationship. A weak Venus can also indicate a tendency to seek pleasure outside the marriage, which can lead to infidelity and betrayal. For example, if Venus is debilitated in Virgo, combust by the Sun, or expected by Saturn, it can indicate a weak Venus.
  • 8th and 12th house connection: The 8th house represents transformation, endings, and the unknown, and the 12th house represents loss, isolation, and detachment. If these two houses are connected to the 7th house or its lord, it can indicate a higher likelihood of divorce or separation. The connection can be through conjunction, aspect, exchange, or placement. For example, if the 7th lord is placed in the 8th house, or the 8th lord is placed in the 7th house, or the 7th and 8th lords are in mutual aspect, it can indicate a higher likelihood of divorce or separation.
  • The Moon: Moon is the planet of mind, emotions, and feelings, is weak, debilitated, retrograde, combust, or afflicted by malefic planets. Moon is the significator of mind and emotions and any weakness or affliction to it can reduce the mental and emotional compatibility between the couple and cause divorce.
  • The Mars: Mars is the planet of energy, action, and passion, is weak, debilitated, retrograde, combust, or afflicted by malefic planets. Mars is the significator of courage, strength, and aggression and any weakness or affliction to it can reduce the confidence, enthusiasm, and initiative of the person and cause divorce.
  • The Rahu: Rahu is the shadow planet of disruption and instability, is placed in the 7th house or aspects the 7th house, 7th lord, or Venus. Rahu is the planet of illusion and deception and its influence on the 7th house or its significators can create confusion, doubt, and suspicion in the marital relationship and cause divorce.
  • The Ketu: Ketu is the shadow planet of detachment and isolation, is placed in the 7th house or aspects the 7th house, 7th lord, or Venus. Ketu is the planet of separation and liberation and its influence on the 7th house or its significators can create detachment, indifference, and isolation in the marital relationship and cause divorce.
  • Divorce yogas: There are certain planetary combinations and yogas that can indicate the possibility of divorce or separation in Vedic astrology. Some of these yogas are:
    • Kalathra Dosha: This is a dosha or affliction that affects the 7th house or its lord, and causes problems in marriage. This dosha can be caused by the presence of malefic planets in the 7th house or its lord, or the aspect of malefic planets on the 7th house or its lord. This dosha can also be caused by the placement of the 7th lord in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, or the association of the 7th lord with the 6th, 8th, or 12th lord. This dosha can cause delays, obstacles, disputes, and divorce in marriage.
    • Manglik Dosha: This is a dosha or affliction that is caused by the placement of Mars in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house from the ascendant or the moon. This dosha can cause problems in marriage, such as conflicts, violence, accidents, or death of the spouse. This dosha can be nullified by marrying another person who has the same dosha, or by performing certain remedies, such as fasting, chanting, or donating.
    • Rahu-Ketu Dosha: This is a dosha or affliction that is caused by the placement of Rahu and Ketu in the 1st, 5th, 7th, or 9th house from the ascendant or the moon. This dosha can cause problems in marriage, such as misunderstandings, differences, separation, or divorce. This dosha can also affect the progeny and the health of the spouse. This dosha can be nullified by performing certain remedies, such as wearing gemstones, performing poojas, or donating.

Astrological Solutions for Divorce

The solution to the problem of divorce is to perform astrological remedies that can pacify the malefic planets and strengthen the benefic planets that are related to the marriage aspect of the person. Some of the common remedies are:

  • Wearing a gemstone or a yantra that corresponds to the benefic planet that can enhance the marriage prospects of the person. 
    • For example, wearing a diamond or a white sapphire for Venus, a yellow sapphire for Jupiter, or a emerald for Mercury can help in finding a loyal and faithful partner and getting married with their consent and blessings.
  • Chanting the mantras or strotas of the benefic planet or the deity that is associated with the planet.
    • For example, chanting the Shukra Mantra, the Lakshmi Strota, or the Parvati Strota can help in pleasing Venus, the goddess of love and marriage. Chanting the Guru Mantra, the Vishnu Strota, or the Narayan Strota can help in pleasing Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and morality.
  • Performing the poojas or rituals of the benefic planet or the deity that is associated with the planet.
    • For example, performing the Shukra Pooja, the Lakshmi Pooja, or the Parvati Pooja can help in getting the blessings of Venus, the goddess of love and marriage. Performing the Guru Pooja, the Vishnu Pooja, or the Narayan Pooja can help in getting the grace of Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and morality.
  • Donating the items or the colors that are related to the benefic planet or the deity that is associated with the planet.
    • For example, donating white clothes, rice, sugar, or milk to the poor or the Brahmins can help in appeasing Venus, the planet of love and marriage. Donating yellow clothes, gram, or turmeric to the poor or the Brahmins can help in pleasing Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and morality.
  • Fasting on the days that are related to the benefic planet or the deity that is associated with the planet.
    • For example, fasting on Fridays, the day of Venus, or on Mondays, the day of Parvati, can help in getting the grace of Venus, the planet of love and marriage. Fasting on Thursdays, the day of Jupiter, or on Ekadashi, the day of Vishnu, can help in getting the grace of Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and morality.

These remedies can help in removing the possibility of divorce and restore harmony and peace in the marriage.

Astrological Remedies for Divorce

Apart from the astrological remedies, there are also some other rituals, pooja, vidhi, tantra, mantra and yantra that can help in solving divorce problems and saving the marriage. Some of them are:

  • Performing the Uma Maheshwara Pooja, which is a special pooja dedicated to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, the divine couple who symbolize the ideal marriage. This pooja can help in increasing the love, understanding, and compatibility between the couple and removing the obstacles and negative influences in the marriage. This pooja can be performed on any auspicious day, especially on Mondays, Pradosham days, or Shivaratri days. The couple should offer milk, honey, ghee, curd, and sugar to the Shiva Linga and chant the Uma Maheshwara Mantra.
  • Swayamvara Parvati Pooja, This pooja can help in removing the obstacles and delays in marriage and increasing the love, harmony, and happiness in the marital relationship. This pooja can be performed on any auspicious day, especially on Fridays, the day of Goddess Parvati. The couple should offer red flowers, kumkum, rice, and sweets to the idol or picture of Goddess Parvati and chant the Swayamvara Parvati Mantra, which is as follows:

     || “Om Hreem Yogini Yogini Yogeswari Yoga Bhayankari
    Sakala Sthavara Jangamasya Mukha Hrudayam
    Mama Vasam Akarsha Akarshaya Namah:” ||

  • Performing the Mangala Gauri Pooja, which is a special pooja dedicated to Goddess Mangala Gauri, the consort of Lord Mangal or Mars, the planet of energy, action, and passion. This pooja can help in pacifying the malefic effects of Mars, especially for those who have Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha, which is a condition that can cause problems and conflicts in the marital relationship. This pooja can be performed on any auspicious day, especially on Tuesdays, the day of Lord Mangal or Mars. The couple should offer red flowers, kumkum, rice, and sweets to the idol or picture of Goddess Mangala Gauri and chant the Mangala Gauri Mantra, which is as follows: 
|| Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum Gam Ganapataye 
Vara Varada Sarva Janamme Vashamanaya Swaha: 
Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum Gum Ganapataye Namah: ||
  • Performing the Vishnu Laxmi Pooja, which is a special pooja dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi, the divine couple who symbolize the prosperity and happiness in the marital life. This pooja can help in attracting the blessings of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi and increasing the wealth, health, and harmony in the marital relationship. This pooja can be performed on any auspicious day, especially on Wednesdays, the day of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi. The couple should offer yellow flowers, turmeric, rice, and sweets to the idol or picture of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi and chant the Vishnu Laxmi Mantra, which is as follows:  
 || “Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalalaye
Praseeda Praseeda Om Shreem Hreem Shreem 
Mahalakshmaye Namaha” || 
  • Performing the Vashikaran Pooja, which is a special pooja that involves the use of tantra, mantra, and yantra to attract and control the mind and heart of the desired person. This pooja can help in resolving the disputes and differences between the couple and increasing the love, loyalty, and devotion in the marital relationship. This pooja can be performed on any auspicious day, especially on Fridays, the day of Venus, the planet of love and romance. The couple should use the Vashikaran Yantra, which is a special diagram that represents the power and influence of the Vashikaran Mantra, and chant the Vashikaran Mantra, which is as follows: 
|| Om Namo Bhagavate Kamdevaye, 
Yasya Yasya Drishyo Bhavami, 
Yashch Yashch Mum Mukham Pashyati 
Tam Tam Mohyatu Swaha || 

These rituals, pooja, vidhi, tantra, mantra and yantra can help in solving divorce problems and saving the marriage.


Husband wife dispute is a common and serious problem that can affect the quality and longevity of the marital relationship. It can arise due to various reasons such as miscommunication, misunderstanding, differences in opinions, interference of third parties, stress, financial issues, sexual dissatisfaction, infidelity, personality issues, and more. These causes can lead to various consequences such as loss of love, harmony, peace, confidence, support, respect, depression, anxiety, separation, and divorce. Vedic astrology can help in finding the astrological factors that can indicate the possibility of husband wife dispute and provide effective remedies to overcome them. By performing the appropriate astrological remedies, one can avoid the pain and suffering of husband wife dispute and enjoy a harmonious and blissful marital life.

If you are finding "Best astrologer in Vadodara-Gujarat-India?" orIf you are facing any husband wife dispute problem and want to get expert guidance and solution from a qualified and experienced astrologer, you can contact Maa Meldi Upasak, the best astrology website in India. Maa Meldi Upasak is a team of professional and authentic astrologers who have deep knowledge and expertise in Vedic astrology and ancient Indian scriptures and texts. They can provide you with accurate and personalized solutions for your husband wife dispute problems and help you achieve your marriage goals and dreams. Maa Meldi Upasak is your trusted and reliable partner for all your astrological needs and queries.
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